4 Roller coaster life

Kamis, 21 Juli 2011
Hello there...just create my new blog. It's not my first blog, but recently i forgot all my new passwords which i put in my pc and stupidly i don't know where now..all i can remember the account in my mobile device since i use it frequently now.

So many things and stories that i want to share, but i don't where to start ..English is not my mother language, so bear with me

Ok, let's  start with my work, i did well and piled of works coming at that time but i guess, i realize there's something wrong with my hands, but i think that's just temporary.On the other hand, i teach art on junior high school, it was quite experiece, i think i grew a lot at that time as human and i make a very big decision in my life.

It's marriage.
I married with my best friend, i rarely associate with my opposite gender, i don't even want to near boy or having close relationship, in short i don't want to get married if i don't think about God. He's the one who is not afraid of me and very patience trying to understand how weird i am both as human and female. Shorty without any lovey dovey stuff with one clear aim and same perspective in life. We got married. It;s not an easy one, it looks like breaking the mainstream, not everyone is agree but miraculously, it happens.  When God says "It happens.. then it will happen" no matter how impossible it is.
Some people may thinks, who wants to get married with an orphan?she's not even having a dream to get married or  making any intimate relationship even once . The girl who live in her own world and works, what in the world  changes her mind?

It's faith. It will be long to talk about it .

Forget about ridiculous thing that some "people" accuse me since they know nothing or even know who i am. I did it for God, for both of us and seeking happiness in life and hereafter, that's it. Love will grow after in the same direction which i call marriage, and its true. It's roller coaster, i have to adapt and yes, its a blessed and full of bliss days. I thank God, my husband, my family, my best friends for that. Truly.

Then i realize i got carpal tunnel syndrome and my health is not good, i cannot do my works, my hands are hurts especially the left one when i do my painting in my pc. It is devastating that i cannot work and paint as much as i want.to but i guess it is time for to rest or a while, i I have to be patience, God must have a great plan for me, i never doubt it. It's true.

After i go to the doctor, to fix some of my problem health, i got pregnant. It is amazing, just like a dream. God give us blessed to developed this child on my womb. It's funny when i feel like a bottom in my life since i cannot work, God give me higher expectation more than i an imagine :-). Then my journey have completely changes directions until i can heal my hands and my health at the same time. I accept that gratefully.

I moved away from my beloved city, family and friends to follow my husband works to serve and help others in need. It's overwhelming for me, I'm sad that i have to leave but look at brighter side, probably the journey might start here but one thing for sure, i''ll be happy when i choose to be.

May all your dreams comes true and have a great journey...

my old comission wok
El paso